Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Out Of Chaos Comes New Creation

"It is as if your lifeline is being tugged and pulled in different directions as Spirit tries to get your attention. You can resist and hold back, kicking and screaming; however, you will eventually move forward on the spiral of ascension. There can be no denying that the evolutionary cycle which is now in full swing is creating chaos and is swiftly breaking down the old belief systems and structures. Remember what we have often said, ‘out of chaos comes new creation.’ The Soul-self is nudging and prodding everyone, to one degree or another, in an effort to get each soul’s attention. No one can maintain the status-quo, coasting and drifting and ignoring the call to awaken. You must either grow and ascend in consciousness, or sink deeper into chaos, fear and limitation which only postpones the inevitable. It is your Divine birthright to live in abundance and prosperity; you have just forgotten. Abundance comes in many forms, so seek an abundance of love, joy, good health and vitality, as well as all the things you require to live a full and comfortable life. As you begin to create miracle after miracle, those around you will want to know what you are doing. That is when you are to share the techniques, beliefs and wisdom you have claimed as your own. That is when you will become a true self-master; first you will teach by example and through your actions, and finally through words. You, the StarSeeds, will set the new standards of behavior and others will want to emulate you and adopt your new philosophy of life; therefore, it is of vast importance that you focus on what is right in your world and look for the best in those around you, for that is what you will reinforce. You can change the world around you, one thought at a time."

-Michael, through Ronna Herman, February 2009.

You can read more of this transcript and others on Ronna's website.

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