Friday, April 14, 2006

What Is Best?

Put the needs of your ego aside for a moment and ask yourself, “What is best for ALL involved?”

How well you know yourself and the people in your life will determine how close you come to answering that question correctly. And while there are many correct answers, there are even more incorrect ones.

So, what is best for YOU? Chances are, what’s best for you is not that different from what’s best for others. So becoming aware of what’s best for you will serve to inform you of the needs of others as well.

I believe one of the many reasons for our being here is to immerse ourselves in an environment in which we are surrounded by the presence and the absence of love. As we explore ourselves and our abilities in this environment, we taste many flavors of love and feel many pains in fearing its absence.

Eventually, we each learn about the many colors and flavors of love by feeling the absence of each, and then experiencing its return. And as we remember once again each of the infinite forms that love can take and ways that it can flow, we grow fuller and more complete. We are able to express and incorporate more of who we are and to present a more balanced and complete picture of ourselves.

In a way, we break ourselves apart into numerous aspects of ourselves, which are really just different versions of ourselves, with different attributes emphasized or suppressed. These focuses of ourselves are intense explorations of those aspects, and the life you’re living right now is one of those explorations.

It does not matter that a certain version of ourselves fails to accomplish anything of a material nature. The lasting value of each experience lies in the feelings, the emotions felt during and since that experience. Therefore, it does not matter if one is building a skyscraper with steel beams or a little tower with children’s blocks. The feelings are similar, and the intensity of those feelings as well.

What matters most to an individual is indicative of the spiritual complexity of that individual. And, to some extent, of their intellectual complexity as well. Though not always.

Spiritual complexity eventually leads to intellectual simplicity.

Words to ponder.


1 comment:

  1. Deep in thought...lost for words...simplify ๐Ÿ˜Š
