Sunday, March 01, 2009

That Spark Of Consciousness That You Are

"You see, the reality that you experience is a reflection of the belief that you hold. When you believe that you have this universe that exists out there and you can put something out into your so-called universe and it will create what you desire and come back to you from the universe, then it’s an illusion, and doesn’t really exist. It comes from that spark of consciousness that you are. It comes from withinside. It’s who and what you truly are. And then you begin to hold concepts that there are universes outside of your universe, you can have that, absolutely. And when you begin to hold those concepts that those universes have unlimited power you can have that as well. Absolutely. But understand, that it’s only there because you believe it’s there. It only has validity because you choose to validate it. It’s not real. It’s an illusion. A significant illusion, absolutely, but an illusion nonetheless.

"It’s an illusion that only exists in its true form withinside. The spark of consciousness that you are creates your entire reality. Not just part of it; all of it. And what you experience in your awake consciousness state is a reflection of what you believe.

"What you experience in your awake consciousness state is a reflection of what you truly desire to experience because that spark of consciousness that you are creates whatever it is that you desire without judgment as to whether or not it’s right or wrong. If you wish to believe that you exist in a system where this Earth that you experience in your awake consciousness state has capacity to influence your creation (inaudible) and your creation process, you can have that, absolutely. They’re not right or wrong, it’s a choice that you make and you can believe that if you wish.

"If you wish to believe that there are powers out in the universe that create and influence your reality, you can have that as well. And it can be very comforting to have those beliefs and those choices that you are not in control in all of your reality that will—“Yeah, I can believe certain things and then I put it out to the universe and it comes back.” But if it doesn’t come back the way you desire it in your awake consciousness state, the way that you, in your awake consciousness state perceive it to be, then you can always say, “Well, there, you see, I was not really in control. The universe does have an influence upon my reality. The universe does influence what I experience, and the universe is indeed a power to be reckoned with.”

"It certainly is a power to be reckoned with: it’s you. It’s your power. It’s who you are. And in your awake consciousness state if you choose to not be in control, you can have that. And when you choose that and when you experience it it enhances the experience and it makes it more real. That’s why you exist in this vibrational level in the first place, is to experience a range of emotions and feelings that are so intense that you cannot duplicate them in any other vibrational level throughout all of creation. And you accomplish that by limiting your capacity to understand who and what you truly are in your awake consciousness state."

Joshiah, December, 2008.
You can read more of this transcipt and others at the Joshiah website.

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