Sunday, May 17, 2009

Changing the ME into WE

"The easiest way for you to change your perception is to move out of what is happening to you and put yourself in service. How about volunteering at a hospital or a hospice? How about doing anything to get you out of your stuck mode? Being in service helps transform me into we, and that dissolves the separation that makes everyone feel stuck. It simply is not possible for you to feel stuck when you are connected with other humans. Place yourself in a position of service and you change everything at that moment. It changes your perception, and gives you purpose and focus. At this point, you want to bring in your passion. You want to find that one gift that you can give better than anybody else, because each one of you has it. Every one of you came with a gift from Home that is not possible for anyone else to carry. It is your soul’s mission to share that, and the moment you change the me into we you start to understand, you feel of use and your power returns. What magic! Now you have possibilities..."

-The Group, through Steve Rother, May 2009.
You can read more of this transcript and others at the Beacons Of Light website.

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