Monday, March 01, 2010

Harry Carrey

I'm feeling impulsive today, so much so that I am actually typing something brand new and posting it on this here blog. This is something I haven't done for a few years now, and it feels slightly unfamiliar.

You see, for the past two years I have been posting quotes and passages from other sources. Primarily because I had ceased to feel any sort of inspiration to write. Perhaps I had written myself into a corner, but I most definitely had nothing more to say.

And now I find myself, on this first day of March, in the year 2010, following an unforseen impulse to write something. Anything. Nothing in particular.

Is this the start of a new phase for me? Have I spiraled around to another turn as "Don the writer" ? Perhaps... perhaps...

I sent a letter to Jim Carrey last week. Why? Well, primarily because I've thought all along that he would play the title role in the big screen version of THE DAY HARRY SUED GOD.

I watched the video footage of his little talk at the GATE event recently:

And as a watched him speak, it confirmed my suspicion that he's the man.

I'm enjoying the friendly little battle between my rational (doubting) mind which says: "This is silly, it'll never happen, what a waste of a perfectly good postage stamp, not to mention the envelope, paper, and ink" and my heart, which say "Yes, indeed, this sounds like a wonderful experience, let's do it!"

I now know for sure that I have accomplished and progressed, because my heart is winning this battle (which really isn't a battle, but more of a game of Twister).

Yes, my heart has won, and there is a letter on its way to Jim, or to a mailbag that Jim may never open, and fortunately for me I can honestly say that it matters not whether Jim reads the letter, because he and I are sitting off in the other realms somewhere at this very moment laughing and making fun of one another and reminiscing about that time Don sent Jim that letter, and wasted that postage stamp, and wrote all about it on his blog...