Thursday, October 23, 2008

Elias, on Paying Attention and Locking Doors

In the following excerpt, Elias is discussing how we are continuously expressing beliefs, even in the mundane actions throughout our day. He uses the example of locking our door when we leave our home, and how such an automatic action incorporates a belief in the need for protection. You can read more of this transcript at:

ELIAS: As I have expressed previously, individuals move in the direction of attempting to identify and recognize and evaluate beliefs if they experience some action or some scenario within their focus that is disturbing to them. But the same beliefs that influence the creation of those disturbing experiences are the beliefs that you are expressing in each day in mundane actions over and over, reinforcing them repeatedly. Therefore, in some time periods they become expanded, for it is quite easy for them to be expressed in more expansive manners, for you are very familiar with them and you have been reinforcing them continuously.

As an example, a simple action that an individual incorporates within each of their days: each time the individual departs from their dwelling, the individual locks the door.

MAVIS: Without thinking.

ELIAS: Correct. No thought; it is an automatic action. There is no signal, no emotional communication, no thought. It is an automatic response – a very simple action, locking the door. And in one day, the individual encounters a thief and is disturbed, for now within their reality, they have created an intrusion.

MAVIS: And it becomes significant.

ELIAS: Correct. The action of locking the door every day is an action of reinforcing the individual’s belief concerning protection and the need for protection, therefore concentrating upon that belief without paying attention objectively. That continues to be reinforced, and it becomes stronger and stronger, and eventually the individual generates a manifestation of that fear. This is the manner in which you very easily and very automatically create precisely what you do not want.

MAVIS: Interesting. I’ll take note of that then, Elias.

ELIAS: I am not expressing to you that it is good or bad; I am merely offering an illustration of how automatic actions are within your mundane activities within your day, and how you do not notice and you do not pay attention, and how some of those actions are reinforcing beliefs which may or may not be a preference. But how shall you be aware and know what your preferences are if you are not aware of you?

You can read more of this and other Elias transcripts at:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Old Souls, New Souls, and What This Election is REALLY About

The following excerpt is from a session with Aaron on Sept. 24th, 2008, channeled by Barbara Brodsky.

You can read more of this and other Aaron transcripts at Deep Spring:



"I am really interested in how the wealthy and powerful, who want the wealth and power to be held only by a few, continue to be voted into political office through deception and trickery. Apparently there are many people who are young souls and so don’t see what is absolutely obvious to many of us, the incredible hypocrisy. Yet we also have to live with the consequences. How are the greedy money- and power-hungry able to stay in power energetically when their intention is so fear-based? Why doesn’t the more love-based, enlightened candidate, who wants to take care of each other and the world, to spread out the wealth, why don’t they win?”

Aaron's Answer:

"Well, first of all, they may win. Who knows? You have a presidential election coming up in what, just six weeks? I’m not going to take a stance, promoting one candidate above the other, just to share some thoughts. Some of you read the talk that was printed in the DSC fall newsletter, a talk given last year about the candidates. Tonight’s talk relates to that older one. I want to look at this question in terms of why you are all here in incarnation, of not just national but world karma and what you are here to learn.

"There is a subtly different major learning for older souls than for younger souls. The older soul is here to learn love and to practice greeting negative emotion with love. The younger soul is here for the same reason but far less likely to understand the practice. In the same way that you do not expect a first-grader to do algebra, you don’t expect the new soul to grasp the finer nuances of bringing love to fear.

"So for the newer soul, the giving of love may focus on giving love to immediate family and friends and to the self, whereas for the older soul the offering of love needs to be more unconditional and offered outward to everyone and everywhere. It’s very easy to love your beloved. It’s very difficult to love the person who speaks and acts abusively.

"Laying that aside for a moment, the whole world is in movement, changing consciousness levels. Throughout the history of the world, there have been a series of different levels of consciousness. Long ago, the mythical and magical consciousness prevailed. This is the consciousness that you see in the young child, and we can see that in the cultures that believe that if they just offer the right sacrifices to the carved deity then their prayers will be answered, if they just follow the right rituals and routines, they will profit.

"Mythical consciousness evolved into a more rational consciousness in which everything had to be logical and so faith, and anything that could not be rationally proven, was pushed aside. That rational consciousness was followed by what we call vision logic consciousness. It’s still logical but there’s a broader vision on which it’s based, one that includes possibilities and not just provable facts.

"Vision logic consciousness has been the base consciousness for your present culture—I don’t mean the whole world, I mean this American culture—for a long time. Well, a long time is not a clear statement. For the last 50 or 60 years and going back 100 years; 200 years ago, consciousness was more rational-based, and then the shift. Please do not misunderstand me. Remember when there’s a shift like this there are a small few who are the leaders, others who are perhaps ready to consider the shift, and there are those who dig their heels in and say, “Oh no, I’m not going there.” There are still those in your country, even, or especially political leaders or would-be leaders, who are deep in rational or even mythical consciousness. Only the oldest souls are open to vision-logic consciousness. Now those older souls are moving into what we call non-dual consciousness.

"Non-dual consciousness asks you to move beyond the separation of self and other, to begin to see that everything is an expression of the divine, everything and everyone, and to begin deeply to respect the needs of each being and of the aspiration for happiness and safety in each being. If we look at those who want to maintain the old status quo, want power, to remain in power, want those who are poorer, weak, those who have lacked power, not to gain power out of fear that the others’ gain is his loss, we can see that this is certainly not non-dual consciousness.

"It is in a sense the last vestige of magical consciousness. “I am the power. I shape things. I make the decisions. I own the money. I own the corporations.” It really flies in the face of logic. Perhaps we could call it a reaction to rational consciousness because it’s not even rational.

"If your country and your world were composed only of old souls, you’d have a very different form of government, and a very different kind of financial system, but that’s not where you are. The world is made up of a variety of people—of old souls and new souls, people strongly grounded in fear as well as those strongly grounded in love.

"There are three different parts to this question and I’d like to take them each independently. One part requires some understanding of karma, that karma is both personal and universal or at least is worldwide or countrywide. You have a family karma, you have a cultural karma, you have a national karma, and the whole world shares a karma. I like to look at karma as the planting of a seed; you reap what you sow. If you want sweet fruit you must plant a sweet seed. If you plant a sour apple tree seed, you’re not going to get sweet apples no matter how much you wish it.

"Magical consciousness denies that fact and believes that if it wants sweet fruit it doesn’t matter what it plants. As long as it pushes hard enough, it will reap sweet fruit. And personally it may reap sweet fruit if it’s able to turn its back on the world. Therefore, it convinces itself this works. If I hold power and control and turn my back on suffering, I can be powerful and happy. It’s a powerful myth for those who are neither very new souls nor very old souls but somewhere in the middle and searching for a way to find that their needs are met and that they are happy.

"There is an old story that’s told about William Penn, who was the founder of the state of Pennsylvania. He became a Quaker. Penn was a military soldier at that point. He wore a sword and was accustomed to thinking he would use the sword if he needed to. Quakers do not believe in violence. So he said to his teacher, “When must I take off my sword?” The teacher said, “When you can’t carry it anymore.” When must you let go of this belief that you can create happiness through power, lies, manipulation, and greed? When you can’t carry it anymore.

"Your country is often mapped with red and blue states depicting the Republican and Democrat candidates. If instead of mapping the whole state as one color, if instead it was mapped with an individual speck for each being—blue perchance for the very old soul deeply committed to non-dual practice in their lives, to the deepest respect for every being, and to non-violation of any being, and red as the opposite extreme, for the being most deeply grounded in fear and greed and absorbed in the personal self, the purple specks for those in the middle—this would be a more truthful mapping because you are not voting, especially in this election, as a several million or billion—what is your population? however many it is—as that many Republicans or Democrats. You are really voting as those who are either souls attempting to support this shift in consciousness and create a government that supports love for all beings, or those who are determined to hold the old status quo. Now I am not naming one candidate or party as being of old or new soul persuasion. If you feel that’s so, that’s fine, but I’m not going to say that (laughter). I do not want to influence the election by my own personal views.

"But be aware of this division: those candidates that most deeply support non-dual consciousness, the deepest care for all beings, non-harm to all beings, versus the candidates that are very wrapped up in the self, promoting the self-belief, holding onto their own power and money, and their friends’ power and money. This is not just about the presidential race; it’s about all candidates for office.

"The questioner asks how long we have to continue in this pattern where greed and manipulation win. As with William Penn’s sword, until you’re ready to put it down and you can’t carry it anymore. "


You can read more of this and other Aaron transcripts at Deep Spring:

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Farewell To Power

*Don's note: As always, you must decide whether or not the following words and ideas have value to you. If they resonate with you, enjoy! And if they don't, let them go.

The following are excerpts from a session with Adamus Saint-Germain, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe on October 4, 2008.

You can read the rest of this session at the Crimson Circle website:


"Over the next four years in particular you’re going to see some very difficult things, challenging things. You’re going to see an old consciousness on Earth unravel, come apart. And yes, there will be those who panic. There will be those who are in fear, and there will be many, many who resort to stealing, whether it is stealing money, whether it is stealing other people’s energy and consciousness, whether it is stealing their property. You’re going to see a lot of this taking place.

"The next four years are going to be a time for you to be in balance, to bring up within yourself everything that you’ve learned, everything that you’ve gained in wisdom, everything that you already know within yourself. The next four years are going to be a time to stop hiding and stop pretending that you’re a victim, stop pretending that you’re waiting for something else.

"Stop pretending that you have to learn more, you have to go through all of these rituals and ceremonies to become a New Energy human. You are it right here, right now, today. There is not one thing that you are missing other than the true trust in yourself.

"What you’re seeing happening all across the world right now, all around you, is a profound loss of trust – loss of trust in old systems, old organizations, lost of trust in government and it is falling apart. What you have, dear Shaumbra, one of the most important tools is the true trust in yourself. And ultimately, for the rest of the world, it is the same thing. It is about them learning to trust that they have the answers. But right now in these most shifting, in these most collapsing of times, it is time to remember, it is time to bring up the trust in yourself."


"The bottom line, the purpose of my talk, the title of my talk today is the farewell to power, and indeed that is what you are seeing. If you want to know what’s going on, you say, “Saint-Germain, give us the bottom line. What’s happening on Earth right now?” It is the loss of power."


"A few of you had power centers of money. You learned those over lifetime over lifetime, and you had to learn that the power is an illusion. You had to learn to let go of that power and it was difficult and I almost wept a few tears for some of you when you were losing everything material. It was who you thought you were. It was your strength. It was your weapon, and you had to lose it. And then when you tried to regain it again, you had to lose it another time. Thank god for that."


"To the point right now, power is the poison. And you’re going to see it again and again when you read the headlines and you see what’s happening in the world. The very power that people have held onto in the past, starting with the largest and most powerful institutions, is going to be their poison. The more they hold onto it, the more poisonous it will become. The more they try to believe in it, the more venomous it will be. The more they try to use it against another, the more it will strangle them. It will choke them. It will take the life out of them. Power is a consciousness of itself.

"Power has reached a point in its cycle where it cannot be power anymore. It cannot be opposing masculine/feminine or light and dark. It has outgrown itself. It is seeking its freedom from the old consciousness that it has been in and now it is turning on itself. Power is poisoning and killing itself and anyone who holds onto it.

"Strong words, but true words. You’ll see it. You’ll see it next week and the week after, and when you wonder what is going on in this world, is it falling apart? And the answer is absolutely it is. Power is destroying itself and all of those who have abused it, misused it and misunderstood it.

What is Ahead

"Let’s go down through some of the categories. Let’s take a look at potential headlines for that which will come. (Linda says, “Is this the October surprise?” Adamus Saint-Germain chuckles.) First of all, you’ve seen it in the financial sectors, and you’ve only seen the beginning. What you’re going to see here in the coming few months in particular are those who have held the power – not just in this lifetime but in many, who have held it again and again – have reincarnated back into it. They have appointed themselves some sort of dictator of power, and there are a lot of them on Earth right now.

"The ones who have been holding the financial power, you’re going to see them desperately trying to get it, trying to take it back, trying to manipulate it. Stand behind the short wall, take a deep breath, have compassion, because woe to them. Woe to their families, woe to their servants, woe to all who are part of their power games. Stand behind the short wall with compassion, dear friends. Don’t feel sorry for them one bit. You could say in a way, in a twisted way, that they are doing this for humanity as well. They knew it was coming.

"In the 1500s, in the 1700s and late in the 1900s, we had some, what you would call, very multidimensional, very spiritual mystical discussions with these groups who have held the power. We showed them what would come. They did not believe it. It caused them to hold on more desperately to the power, and now it’s here.

"So there is a level at which they knew it was coming. Don’t feel sorry. Also don’t feel sorry because some of them are going to be coming to some of you to find out what the hell just happened in their life. They’re going to be in a nightmare when they come to you. They are going to be in a world of hurt. (Laughter as emergency sirens go by in the background.)

"So, dear Shaumbra, power is poison right now. It’s poison to those who are in government positions, who have had their little games, who have had their little empires, who have thought more about themselves and about their little group that supports them. I’m not talking about necessarily just the elected officials, I’m talking about the bureaucrats. The bureaucrats are going to find themselves out. The bureaucrats are going to find a whole new … a whole new legion of beings that are coming in to actually serve, not to take. The ones who have been holding on to the little thrones of power are going to find themselves in a world of hurt also.

"We’re not making anything happen. You aren’t making anything happen, but the power that they used to drink has now turned poisonous. The very power that they rely on, the very drink that they take in every day is now a poison.

"You’re going to find it continuing to happen in the churches. Thank god for that (laughter) for they have held power of government, power of money, power of sexual energy and power of spirit and consciousness, and when they drink in their power it’s going to explode their bowels. It’s going to destroy from the very inside what they have been abusing for so very long. There’s going to be stories that come out about those who have held the religious power and the trust and the faith of the people and what they’re really like – the demons that they really are."


"Dear, dear Shaumbra, what you are seeing right now is a farewell to power, the loss of power, power as the poison on Earth right now. It is sweeping across every institution of power. You are going to see it in even things like universities and schools, in the police departments, in the militaries, because what used to be the very thing that sustained them is now going to be the thing that collapses them. You’re going to see, in this shift, well, you’re going to see chaos. I won’t sugarcoat that one.

"You’re going to see it all around. Some of you are going to experience it as close as your own families and friends. They’re going to lose things. They’re going to be in pain and suffering – at least the illusion of it. They’re going to wonder where God is, and that’s going to be the most difficult of all the questions. You’re going to see them on their hands and knees praying and praying and praying, getting themselves into a frenzy, because they derive power off of a false god every time they prayed to it. They weren’t praying to God, they were praying for power. And when they pray now, they’re going to be drinking in the poison of Old Energy and it’s going to have to change them."

"Let’s take a deep breath. Take a deep breath.

"As you were standing behind the short wall watching the poison of power make its way across the Earth; as you see the assassination of European leaders in the very near future; as you see major Earth shifts, the earthquakes that have been predicted for a long time – they are going to happen, Shaumbra, before your eyes – understand it is the loss of power.

"This isn’t because people have been evil. Humans – humans are good. Humans have hearts. Humans are filled with love and hope, but a few have tried to take it away and it won’t work anymore. A few are trying to hold back a transition into a new consciousness where power is not needed or wanted. They’re trying to hold on and it will be their undoing.

"You’re going to see riots in the streets, burnings of cities. You’re going to see people getting diseases, sicknesses, that spread far too fast for modern science to catch up with it. You’re going to see some dark days, and it’s not the end of the world.

Time to Be Who You Are

"I’m going to ask each one of you to remember to trust yourself, to understand that you don’t need power, that you don’t need that old energy. I’m going to ask each one of you to stand up and be the messenger that you are. You’ve endured many hard years of your own preparation for exactly the time we are living in. You are the ones who they are going to come to for listening. Listening. They’ll need somebody that will just listen to them – not spewing out rhetoric, not performing any certain type of rituals or crystal healings or any of the rest of that.

"They’re going to need a listener.They’re going to need somebody to help them to breathe because, as Tobias has said before, they’re going to be in a state of shock. They are going to think they are living in an apocalyptic time. It will feel that way for many. But again, mark my words here, I’m not predicting the end of the world, I’m predicting grand changes and I’m predicting the dissolving of power.

"You’re going to have experiences that are going to be a bit frightening where the literal power – your electricity – goes out, not just in one small city, but across an entire country or countries. And you’re going to wonder what is happening because, you see, your world is set up on a literal power grid fed by things like nuclear and coal and other resources. But you have a powered Earth so you’re also going to see collapses of some of the power grids that you have. Oh, they’ll be restored after a period of time, but they will go out in a very unusual and mysterious way in different parts of the world.

"And I want every one of you to stop at that point, and if you blame it on the aliens (laughter), I’m going to have to have a long talk. I’m going to send you back to spiritual kindergarten. (Linda says, “Spiritual kindergarten?!” audience laughs)

"Shaumbra, you’re going to see things that you have never seen before, and it doesn’t have to affect you. It doesn’t have to throw you off. Actually, it really can’t, because you’ve let go of power. You’ve come back to you, the Source, the God within. You’ve gotten yourself off of the grid, so to speak, the grid of Old Energy human consciousness. Remember we had to tear some of you off the grid about three years ago! Let go of that grid of human consciousness, even the grid of spiritual consciousness, because you are your own grid. So while you’re going to see these things around you, they are not going to affect you because you’re not holding onto power like others in the world are right now.

"Speaking of happenings, you’re going to see what many will term visitations – lights in the sky – very unusual patterns, the likes of which have not been seen before. These are not the aliens. These are the new consciousnesses of humanity coming in. They will be perceived as lights in the sky, not just at night, but during the day. They’ll be perceived as very interesting shifts, mostly as light energy, but as other types of energy as well. Some will interpret this through the mind and the eyes as alien beings, but it’s your New Energy, your divinity and the new consciousness of humanity coming in. Don’t go back to the old power ways of giving yourself just to the aliens.

"You are the messengers. You are the ones you’ve been waiting for.

"Indeed, there will be the consciousness of dimensions, of planets, of other places that are coming in to watch and observe, but they’re not coming in to rescue. They’re not coming in with the answers, because you have it. You will feel the energy of spiritual families. You will feel the energies of the new Earth and the many other new Earths that are starting to form, and the energies of the incoming Crystals and the new ones as they get closer and closer to Earth. They are able to get closer because the veil is thinner. They will get closer also in the times of drama and change, but remember they are not the ones sent here to save you.

"You don’t need a savior. You are the ones you’ve been waiting for.

"You do not have to worry about things like clothing and food and shelter because those things will be there for you. You don’t have to worry about saving the world. You’ve tried that before in other lifetimes and it backfires. You are a sovereign being here on Earth right now to be a listener, to be a visionary, to be one who helps others breathe and help others see that they don’t need the power anymore either."


To read the rest of this and other sessions, visit the Crimson Circle website:

Monday, October 06, 2008

Television News, and The Prophets Of Wall Street Gloom and Doom

The following excerpt is from a Kris Radio session on Sept. 25th, 2008. You can read more of this and other transcripts at the Kris Chronicles website:

MARK: Okay. Hypothetically, let’s just say that I’m falling into the media, I’m suckered in and I’m watching this and I’m absorbed, it’s, I’ve become passionate and pissed off even, and upset and it’s overwhelming me.

KRIS: Indeed. And in a short amount of time you might start seeing in your life what they talked about.

MARK: Yes. So how do I reverse that?

KRIS: First of all, even if you find yourself unable to completely shut off the tube, there is nothing specifically wrong or inherently wrong in looking at the television, listening to the news. How you allow it to influence your perceptions, your moods, your states of mind is another matter entirely. And if you find that impossible then we suggest you minimize exposure. But if you can see it for what it is, a complete public mass demonstration of beliefs in action, of behavior showing what the beliefs are, and influences altering perceptions, a literal and veritable study in human psychology and consciousness above and beyond the regular teachings of schools of psychology where everything is a number, then you can have quite a buffet table laid out before you. And it will also demonstrate where your own beliefs are aligned, giving you additional advantages to knowing more about whom and what you are. And we believe the latter case is preferable than to being swept away by this flood of manipulations.

MARK: So in other words, I should acknowledge that these are a mass display of beliefs on a public scale, and acknowledge that they’re not my beliefs, and accept them as being very valid, and that’s what I accept.

JOHN: Accept the fact . . .

KRIS: Accepting is a good beginning.

JOHN: Accept yourself for having created it and finding meaning in it.

KRIS: And also accept and acknowledge that you have other meanings that you can bring into your consciousness that are much more fulfilling than those prophecies.

MARK: Okay.

KRIS: The prophets of Wall Street gloom and doom are experts in their game. They’ve been doing this for a long time. Usually it is with one individual after another. When you take it to the next level you have an entire nation in the game. And a game it is, as long as you see it that way. Once you believe that this is the ultimate, end-all reality, then you are suckered in. So be steadfast in your own convictions and steer your perceptions somewhere you want, not somewhere you do not want. Who wants to have those markets crash? You can stem the tide, but it takes cooperation. Do you follow?

MARK: Absolutely.

KRIS: You can make a significant difference in your own personal life as well, and begin there.

You can read more of this and other transcripts at the Kris Chronicles website:

Thursday, October 02, 2008

On The Topic Of Religion

*Don's note: As always, readers must decide for themselves whether or not this material has value to them. If it does, enjoy! And if it does not, then simply let it go.

The following excerpt is from the Lightsmith website,

"There is something that has been misperceived throughout the ages on the topic of religion. And that is that God is outside of you. God is somehow beyond. God is impersonal. That Spirit is not right in your midst. And that your personal experience is not as important or valued as what you had to learn or know about to be part of a certain religion... We would like to focus on that which is the purpose and intent within any spiritual system of thought, and about how those systems have become crystallized over time.

"How did religion form? It formed long before the Christian faith took hold after the presence of Jesus in this earth. There were earlier religions that formed around an individual who had a transcendent experience, an experience of embodiment, an experience inexpressible in words. That experience was not only personally enlightening, but also penetrated their perception of themselves and reality, altering it to such a degree that they could no longer live the way they had lived before in whatever system they grew up in. They then, because they were different, because they emitted a different frequency, a different vibration, and a different pattern, began to set into motion an evolution. The evolution also was in word.

"In the old tradition, the word was passed down verbally through stories, but only by those who also had experienced an embodiment of the transcendent through personal experience. In ancient or tribal traditions, they didn't call their experience with each other religion. Their spirituality was a story with life experiences added within it. The stories included visions, and when visions were retold it was with the emission of the energy of the ones telling the story.

"The Bible is familiar to most of you, although some of you have read other sacred texts. What was largely recorded in the Bible are stories that were originally oral traditions spoken only by those who were prepared by being of that vibration, and therefore qualified to pass it down.

When it became written down and available to many people, it was no longer passed down through human divinity. That then became the second step of crystallizing the energy. It no longer lived in a body, but it had to begin to live through the structure of the words. Those who perceive with a clarity and a willingness to also receive the coded energy that is within the words can be helped to directly receive an embodied experience of the specific energy. But, it is one step removed from receiving it directly through a person emitting the energy.

"What began to happen is that in studying, using the mental capacity, ones began to receive the words, but not the energy as directly. And the teaching began to come through those who were not emitting the energy, but were only passing on the tradition and the words. Then they would alter the words to suit their level of consciousness and vibration. As they altered the words, those words then shifted and changed the energy emitted, because the configurations that were coded in the original stories and visions then became diluted. And that is how religion got formed.

"As soon as it is recorded in a word that is then transmitted through people, the vibration is changed. The purpose and the intent of teaching is to facilitate direct experiences of the transcendent, that which is beyond the personal view of reality, so that you are changed. You are altered chemically, vibrationally, and in your experience of yourself and all of reality, all of creation. That was the purpose and intent of the old teaching tradition that was passed on, and on, and on, from generation to generation.

"Whenever one embodied in Earth with that altered vibrational pattern, such as Jesus, there was a change. An energy was present that brought about a new evolutionary path entered into by all who opened to experience directly, to perceive and experience with that one in their presence. And when they experienced it, then it went out from them to others. Every one became an individuation of that primary Source /Creator. And every one was altered to some degree because of personal vision, experiencing a uniquely personal individual experience of the transcendent. The vibration remains, however, on that evolutionary path as long as ones embody the energy.

"What happened in the Catholic Christian tradition was that there was a massive massacre of those embodiments by the Romans who were afraid of the energies that were beginning to alter and change reality for them. They were already panicking because their own civilization was in a period of decay and disintegration. So, to focus outward on any perceived cause was an excuse that gave them some kind of purpose to continue to exist while disintegrating. So the Christian sect at that time became their focus. Those that remained decided that they had to record the stories because they felt that it was in the interest of survival to do so. By then there was already a penetration of those who had removed themselves from the initial core energy. Those who initially emitted the core energy didn't have to record much, although Paul is one who recorded through letters, and those letters are original. However, much of the writing came afterward and crystallized the original stories that were emitted through personal, vibrational embodiments. Religions continued to grow more and more crystallized as they became mental processes without the original frequency or vibration. Those who carried the original frequencies within them oftentimes were persecuted because they emitted the vibration of change. Do you understand? Do you understanding what is happening to you now?

"What is happening now is that you are stepping outside of what has been largely a crystallized format. In this time, you have had to come back to an embodiment process. Every religion has had a certain amount of crystallization, and those who are now opening to a direct experience of embodying the transcendent beyond this reality state are emitting the frequencies of a new evolutionary pattern. You are the harbingers of change, of changing this form of reality. What could happen is that you might find your desire to record your experience also leading to another religion. In some cases it is already beginning. Whenever something is recorded, even in a "new age" or alternative spirituality, it begins to have a teaching to be passed on or reported by those who have not yet fully embodied the frequencies of the new energies, then they too are creating a new crystallized form that is being passed on just like any other religion has done. You can feel that, for you are not changed.

"If you are in the presence of one who emits the energy, you will feel a transformation. You begin to open to a greater sense of yourself. You begin to experience an expansion of who you are, and your experience of reality begins to change or alter. If you are in the presence of one who is speaking the words but not emitting the frequency, you will not feel so different. Begin to note that. Also begin to note how people experience you. If you are in the presence of others and they are experiencing expansiveness and openness, open to shifting and changing, or open to new information and new ways of seeing, then you are the one who is bringing forth that change, that evolutionary patterning, for you are emitting that energy.

"And that is what is happening now. The embodiments who are of this Light, of Creator merging with creation, are not to create a new religion, but are to embody worldwide and be present. The Presence then ignites further ones to be present. There is no need to record and crystallize teachings for future generations, because your future generations are embodying with the evolutionary pattern intact. They don't need you to record this. They don't need you to pass it on. They need you to be present so that their presence can be fully realized. We will speak of this next week when we speak about children and who they are.

"So, there will not be religion in the future. This is the end of the age of religion. Do you want to cheer or do you want to cry?"


"So that is our introduction about this particular topic. There is much we could say in a variety of areas, since it is a vast topic. That depends on your experience and your preference. Before we leave tonight we would like to assist you in decrystallizing the thought forms that were passed on to you that no longer have that energy to assist your evolution. Perhaps we can assist your own presence to be more vital, confident, and able to pass on the stories of this awakening to others."

You can read more of this and other transcripts at the Lightsmith website: