Thursday, October 23, 2008

Elias, on Paying Attention and Locking Doors

In the following excerpt, Elias is discussing how we are continuously expressing beliefs, even in the mundane actions throughout our day. He uses the example of locking our door when we leave our home, and how such an automatic action incorporates a belief in the need for protection. You can read more of this transcript at:

ELIAS: As I have expressed previously, individuals move in the direction of attempting to identify and recognize and evaluate beliefs if they experience some action or some scenario within their focus that is disturbing to them. But the same beliefs that influence the creation of those disturbing experiences are the beliefs that you are expressing in each day in mundane actions over and over, reinforcing them repeatedly. Therefore, in some time periods they become expanded, for it is quite easy for them to be expressed in more expansive manners, for you are very familiar with them and you have been reinforcing them continuously.

As an example, a simple action that an individual incorporates within each of their days: each time the individual departs from their dwelling, the individual locks the door.

MAVIS: Without thinking.

ELIAS: Correct. No thought; it is an automatic action. There is no signal, no emotional communication, no thought. It is an automatic response – a very simple action, locking the door. And in one day, the individual encounters a thief and is disturbed, for now within their reality, they have created an intrusion.

MAVIS: And it becomes significant.

ELIAS: Correct. The action of locking the door every day is an action of reinforcing the individual’s belief concerning protection and the need for protection, therefore concentrating upon that belief without paying attention objectively. That continues to be reinforced, and it becomes stronger and stronger, and eventually the individual generates a manifestation of that fear. This is the manner in which you very easily and very automatically create precisely what you do not want.

MAVIS: Interesting. I’ll take note of that then, Elias.

ELIAS: I am not expressing to you that it is good or bad; I am merely offering an illustration of how automatic actions are within your mundane activities within your day, and how you do not notice and you do not pay attention, and how some of those actions are reinforcing beliefs which may or may not be a preference. But how shall you be aware and know what your preferences are if you are not aware of you?

You can read more of this and other Elias transcripts at:

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