Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Old Souls, New Souls, and What This Election is REALLY About

The following excerpt is from a session with Aaron on Sept. 24th, 2008, channeled by Barbara Brodsky.

You can read more of this and other Aaron transcripts at Deep Spring:



"I am really interested in how the wealthy and powerful, who want the wealth and power to be held only by a few, continue to be voted into political office through deception and trickery. Apparently there are many people who are young souls and so don’t see what is absolutely obvious to many of us, the incredible hypocrisy. Yet we also have to live with the consequences. How are the greedy money- and power-hungry able to stay in power energetically when their intention is so fear-based? Why doesn’t the more love-based, enlightened candidate, who wants to take care of each other and the world, to spread out the wealth, why don’t they win?”

Aaron's Answer:

"Well, first of all, they may win. Who knows? You have a presidential election coming up in what, just six weeks? I’m not going to take a stance, promoting one candidate above the other, just to share some thoughts. Some of you read the talk that was printed in the DSC fall newsletter, a talk given last year about the candidates. Tonight’s talk relates to that older one. I want to look at this question in terms of why you are all here in incarnation, of not just national but world karma and what you are here to learn.

"There is a subtly different major learning for older souls than for younger souls. The older soul is here to learn love and to practice greeting negative emotion with love. The younger soul is here for the same reason but far less likely to understand the practice. In the same way that you do not expect a first-grader to do algebra, you don’t expect the new soul to grasp the finer nuances of bringing love to fear.

"So for the newer soul, the giving of love may focus on giving love to immediate family and friends and to the self, whereas for the older soul the offering of love needs to be more unconditional and offered outward to everyone and everywhere. It’s very easy to love your beloved. It’s very difficult to love the person who speaks and acts abusively.

"Laying that aside for a moment, the whole world is in movement, changing consciousness levels. Throughout the history of the world, there have been a series of different levels of consciousness. Long ago, the mythical and magical consciousness prevailed. This is the consciousness that you see in the young child, and we can see that in the cultures that believe that if they just offer the right sacrifices to the carved deity then their prayers will be answered, if they just follow the right rituals and routines, they will profit.

"Mythical consciousness evolved into a more rational consciousness in which everything had to be logical and so faith, and anything that could not be rationally proven, was pushed aside. That rational consciousness was followed by what we call vision logic consciousness. It’s still logical but there’s a broader vision on which it’s based, one that includes possibilities and not just provable facts.

"Vision logic consciousness has been the base consciousness for your present culture—I don’t mean the whole world, I mean this American culture—for a long time. Well, a long time is not a clear statement. For the last 50 or 60 years and going back 100 years; 200 years ago, consciousness was more rational-based, and then the shift. Please do not misunderstand me. Remember when there’s a shift like this there are a small few who are the leaders, others who are perhaps ready to consider the shift, and there are those who dig their heels in and say, “Oh no, I’m not going there.” There are still those in your country, even, or especially political leaders or would-be leaders, who are deep in rational or even mythical consciousness. Only the oldest souls are open to vision-logic consciousness. Now those older souls are moving into what we call non-dual consciousness.

"Non-dual consciousness asks you to move beyond the separation of self and other, to begin to see that everything is an expression of the divine, everything and everyone, and to begin deeply to respect the needs of each being and of the aspiration for happiness and safety in each being. If we look at those who want to maintain the old status quo, want power, to remain in power, want those who are poorer, weak, those who have lacked power, not to gain power out of fear that the others’ gain is his loss, we can see that this is certainly not non-dual consciousness.

"It is in a sense the last vestige of magical consciousness. “I am the power. I shape things. I make the decisions. I own the money. I own the corporations.” It really flies in the face of logic. Perhaps we could call it a reaction to rational consciousness because it’s not even rational.

"If your country and your world were composed only of old souls, you’d have a very different form of government, and a very different kind of financial system, but that’s not where you are. The world is made up of a variety of people—of old souls and new souls, people strongly grounded in fear as well as those strongly grounded in love.

"There are three different parts to this question and I’d like to take them each independently. One part requires some understanding of karma, that karma is both personal and universal or at least is worldwide or countrywide. You have a family karma, you have a cultural karma, you have a national karma, and the whole world shares a karma. I like to look at karma as the planting of a seed; you reap what you sow. If you want sweet fruit you must plant a sweet seed. If you plant a sour apple tree seed, you’re not going to get sweet apples no matter how much you wish it.

"Magical consciousness denies that fact and believes that if it wants sweet fruit it doesn’t matter what it plants. As long as it pushes hard enough, it will reap sweet fruit. And personally it may reap sweet fruit if it’s able to turn its back on the world. Therefore, it convinces itself this works. If I hold power and control and turn my back on suffering, I can be powerful and happy. It’s a powerful myth for those who are neither very new souls nor very old souls but somewhere in the middle and searching for a way to find that their needs are met and that they are happy.

"There is an old story that’s told about William Penn, who was the founder of the state of Pennsylvania. He became a Quaker. Penn was a military soldier at that point. He wore a sword and was accustomed to thinking he would use the sword if he needed to. Quakers do not believe in violence. So he said to his teacher, “When must I take off my sword?” The teacher said, “When you can’t carry it anymore.” When must you let go of this belief that you can create happiness through power, lies, manipulation, and greed? When you can’t carry it anymore.

"Your country is often mapped with red and blue states depicting the Republican and Democrat candidates. If instead of mapping the whole state as one color, if instead it was mapped with an individual speck for each being—blue perchance for the very old soul deeply committed to non-dual practice in their lives, to the deepest respect for every being, and to non-violation of any being, and red as the opposite extreme, for the being most deeply grounded in fear and greed and absorbed in the personal self, the purple specks for those in the middle—this would be a more truthful mapping because you are not voting, especially in this election, as a several million or billion—what is your population? however many it is—as that many Republicans or Democrats. You are really voting as those who are either souls attempting to support this shift in consciousness and create a government that supports love for all beings, or those who are determined to hold the old status quo. Now I am not naming one candidate or party as being of old or new soul persuasion. If you feel that’s so, that’s fine, but I’m not going to say that (laughter). I do not want to influence the election by my own personal views.

"But be aware of this division: those candidates that most deeply support non-dual consciousness, the deepest care for all beings, non-harm to all beings, versus the candidates that are very wrapped up in the self, promoting the self-belief, holding onto their own power and money, and their friends’ power and money. This is not just about the presidential race; it’s about all candidates for office.

"The questioner asks how long we have to continue in this pattern where greed and manipulation win. As with William Penn’s sword, until you’re ready to put it down and you can’t carry it anymore. "


You can read more of this and other Aaron transcripts at Deep Spring:

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