Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Trance Of Prosperity

The following Kris excerpt is from the Reality By Design radio show on November 13th, 2008.
You can read the rest of this and other transcripts at the Kris Chronicles website:

KRIS: In terms of the economy, you may not notice that you can easily slip into the worries and the fear mongering that is propagated by the media, by the banks, financial institutions of other kinds, your neighbors, your parents, your children and everybody else, as if - if you did not worry about the economy as it is now, it would fall apart. But it may be precisely because you all worry so much that it already is falling apart, and it cannot avoid that situation. How can it avoid literally being flushed down the toilet? We would have used the older English expression but the toilet is sufficient. And why does it do that? Because it has to conform to your attitudes, your expectations what you concentrate upon and so on and so forth. It reflects your attitude, your consciousness, your trance, period. If you collectively shifted that trance state to one of prosperity, then overnight the economy would seem to stabilize and literally fix itself. You cannot fix the economy by pumping in seven hundred million, or billion, or trillion dollars, expecting that it will, by that action, stabilize, if you do not fix the minds of those who are generating the economy in the first place. Do you follow?

RICHARD: Absolutely. The market is really a reflection of the psychology of the people involved with it.

KRIS: Indeed. It cannot be otherwise. So our simple observation to everyone that can hear us now, that can hear us later, or that may never hear our physical voice is to change the channel. Not this channel, of course.


MARK: Don’t touch that dial.

KRIS: As the saying goes, put the remote down and step away from the television. Thus if you change the channel of the trance that you are in, collectively, then the economy will reflect your new perspective. It must abide by your perceptions. It cannot do otherwise. So it is not the government’s fault. It is not the fault of the shysters and the crooks. Everyone plays a part. And it is a reflection of your need to understand yourselves and how you do this. The time is long past to blame others for what you concentrate upon. The media is simply reflecting back to you your own fears on the subject matter. And it is an enabler, as you enable the media. So you are indeed in a triple bind. And you can step out of the hamster wheel simply by stopping what you are doing and begin to concentrate on prosperity.

Prosperity is not a pretty word. It is not a word that belongs to the New Age. It is simply an expression of a different trance. A trance of prosperity means that everything flows freely without restriction, be that health, wealth, happiness or otherwise.

You can read the rest of this and other transcripts at the Kris Chronicles website:

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