Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I Want A Bicycle

In the following excerpt, Elias is discussing energy, and how we are continuously projecting energy. He describes our energy as a shockwave that we send out through our attention to something, particularly that which we believe is important. The energy we project affects all of our creations. So if you are frustrated about something in your reality, that frustration affects all of your creations, even those that appear to be entirely unrelated. Therefore, it is vital to pay attention to what we are expressing, even about the little things.

You can read more of this session at the Elias Forum website:

"You will pay attention to what becomes important to you, regardless of what it is. If there is some expression within your reality that you dislike, you will pay attention to it, for the dislike becomes important. Therefore, you continue to pay attention to it.

"The more energy you offer in a particular direction, the more you create that. Therefore, it is significant to recognize what you are expressing as important. “I am incorporating a headache. I dislike this headache; this is important. It is important, for I wish the headache to dissipate and disappear; therefore, my dislike of the headache is important.” The more the headache continues, the more important that dislike becomes, and you concentrate.

"What is encouraging in all of this doom is that within any moment you can alter that shockwave of energy. You can alter the direction of that shockwave. The manner in which you do that is paying attention and aligning what you are feeling... what you are thinking... and what you are doing.

"One method that you can effectively incorporate is to generate a visualization momentarily. Rather than merely thinking or expressing “I want this,” generate a visualization in which you have that, you are actually engaging it.

“I want a bicycle.” Allow yourself to momentarily generate a brief visualization in which you are actually touching the bicycle, riding the bicycle, engaging it, and in that, you are traveling in some area that you would enjoy riding the bicycle. FEEL yourself upon the bicycle, KNOW that it is yours already. Even if the bicycle does not magically materialize before you within that moment, know that you already possess it. Therefore, it is not to be acquired. In that, continue to pay attention to your process, what you are actually doing. This is significant, for regardless of whether what you are doing seems to be associated with a bicycle or not, all that you do is interconnected.

"Therefore, as you are generating the action of creating a sandwich and you are expressing to yourself frustration for you are not incorporating enough roast beef to be satisfying with your sandwich, that is associated with that bicycle. The imagery may be entirely different, but that energy is expressing an energy to prevent you from materializing that bicycle.

"In the moment that you notice that you have not enough pieces of roast beef for your sandwich, rather than merely expressing that shockwave, notice what you expressed. You can alter that in that moment, and you can express, “This is enough; this is satisfactory.” And allow yourself to enjoy it – not generating the consumption of the sandwich and throughout that consumption expressing, “This sandwich is horrible! I knew there was not enough roast beef and now all I taste is the bread, for there is no flavor in this sandwich for there is not enough roast beef.” That is one of those shockwaves that has created an obstacle and a barrier for your bicycle.

"But if you are allowing yourself to relax, appreciate that you generated the action of creating a sandwich for yourself and expressing in acknowledgment, “This is my sandwich and I shall enjoy its flavors,” regardless that there was not enough roast beef, your shockwave changes, and it influences that manifestation of that bicycle in your process.

"In actuality, the principles of creating your reality are quite simple. As much as you enjoy complicating them, they are actually quite simple. It is merely a matter of genuinely noticing and paying attention to what you are doing."

You can read more of this and other sessions at the Elias Forum website:

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