Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Year 2008 In Review

The following is an excerpt from a session with Tobias on Dec. 6th, 2008. You can read more of this and other sessions at the Crimson Circle website:

Looking Back Over the Year

So, moving on, just short, few comments here. If you remember at the beginning of this calendar year we said this was going to be a ping-pong year, and it was, indeed. And it was. There were a lot of pings this year.

There was your economy, the finances. Could you have imagined in… oh, I know that Cauldre would have blocked back in January, blocked if we said the Dow Jones is going to go down below 8,000 before the end of the year. He would have panicked. He would have run out and done panicky things and many of the rest of you would have also – dug underground shelters preparing for the end of the Earth. And if we had told you the biggest investment houses in the world would cease to exist – wiped off the face of the Earth by the end of 2008 – you would have surely gone into a panic. You would have tried to build some spaceship and eject yourself off of Earth, because you figured it would have been coming to an end.

If we told you that in one calendar year – one calendar year – oil would be going from $144 a barrel to $40 a barrel – $144 early in the year and down to $40 at the end of the year – you would have called us crazy, or at least you would have called Cauldre crazy. It was a year of ping-pong.

If we had told you, even in January of this year, that a Black man – a young Black man – would be elected the next president of the United States, you’d of accused us of smoking celestial something-or-other. (laughter)

Dear Shaumbra, if we had told you that the world was going to go through these changes in a year, changes in nearly everything you can think of, you would have been so frightened of the year, so panicked of the year, it would have been hard to get through. But look – look at what’s happening. Oh, and it’s happening only because consciousness is remaking itself. Earth and humanity are just remaking themselves right now. But they are not going back. They are not remaking themselves from the old recipes. They’re being remade from the new. That’s why it appears to be challenging.

While it was a year of ping, it was also a year of pong. Do you realize… do you realize – and Cauldre is asking about our accuracy on statistics – there were more new business start-ups this year than ever in history? Now, on one hand businesses are crumbling, falling away – the biggest, the strongest – but yet there are more new business start-ups in terms of corporations, home businesses, whatever type of legal structures you put on it, more than ever.

There are more patents right now being worked on and in the process of being filed on a worldwide basis than ever before. So if the world is coming to an end, why is invention and creativity at an all time high?

There are more good deeds being done by humans right now than we can ever remember in our tracking on these realms. Well, you read about the bad news, you read about the murders and the slayings and the terrorist attacks, but do you realize that there are more humans who are taking this attitude of love and compassion, who are doing loving things for themselves first and doing loving things for humanity. Not to save it, not because they feel sorry for it, because they are absolutely in love with life. They’re not doing it to earn brownie points in heaven. They’re not doing it for their stinking karma. They are doing these things because they love life more than ever.

You can read more of this and other sessions at the Crimson Circle website:

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