Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Few Words From Uncle Albert

“A human being is part of the whole called by us ‘universe’, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness.

"This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for only a few persons nearest to us.

"Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion and to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

-Albert Einstein

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Resistance is Futile!

"The biggest challenge most humans face in their lifetimes is their resistance to what they do not want. And yet resistance only brings more of what you do not want.

"There are two principles -- or laws, if you like -- at work here.

"The first is what many of you call the Law of Attraction. Simply said, the Law of Attraction dictates you will always get more of what you put your focus on. Always. No exceptions.

"If you are focusing on something through your resistance to it, you'll get more of it. And if you're focusing on something through your appreciation of it, you'll get more of it. You get what you focus on. Period.

"The second principle is simply allowing all others to be whatever they choose to be. Whether you agree with it or not. You will find great peace and joy, friends, in simply following your own bliss, and ignoring what others are doing.

"Resist what others are doing and you'll end up frustrated and drained. Allow others what they are doing and concentrate on what you are doing, and you'll end up joyful and energized."

-Chief Joseph, through John Cali. You can read more from John and Chief Joseph at Great Western Publishing.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Like A Prayer Machine

"The fact about prayer is that any time you are in a state of joy and self-love, you are in the state of prayer. You are a living, walking, breathing prayer. That is a reason some people, when they walk in the room, everything suddenly feels better, lighter, more joyful. Because the person carries with her or him that resonance of prayer -- of love and light. The only way they can do this is by having come to terms with themselves, come to accept themselves and love themselves enough that they are able to transmit love all around them. The best thing you can do with your prayer or meditation practice is continue to find the insights you need to understand where you judge yourself, where you let yourself down, where you are critical of yourself and to continually let those things go. Instead choosing all of the different states or ways of being, that facilitate your sense of love, forgiveness for your mistakes, joy in everything that you do. That is a state of prayer and ultimately you are like a prayer machine. Your natural state is to be in that state of prayer. It may feel like you are fighting an uphill battle, you are actually moving back toward your natural state. Let it be easy. Employ a sense of curiosity and forgiveness and patience with yourself; let it be easy. (Jan 2010)"

Akashic Records through by Jen Eramith MA. You can read more of this transcript here.

The Collapse Of The Third Dimension

"The healing and release work you do for yourself extends to all of humanity and releases the fear polarity that is the dominant aspect of the third dimensional path. As the earth moves through ascension, as it is doing now, the third dimension is collapsing and its energy is being replaced by higher vibrations that do not contain the energetic connections to fear and chaos. While this is happening on the earth level, it is also happening in each of you and as you release your own connections to fear and chaos, you are collapsing your third dimensional reality.

"Each dimensional shift replaces the previous one that held the prevailing energy. For the third, the prevailing energy is fear and ascension replaces that with unconditional love. As the dimension collapses the individual results will be seen in the flow of energy in each reality. Any fear-based manifestation will begin to collapse as the connections to it are removed. Every thought or belief that is released or healed removes a connection and collapses its third dimensional aspect, replacing it with a higher vibration.

"This collapse can appear to be fearful or it can be a joyful experience, depending on your willingness to embrace this powerful transformation. Humanity has little experience of dimensions beyond the third, except for some memory of Home, and they are not able to see as an opportunity to step into their own mastery and divinity. As the third dimension collapses it also release anything that is based in this energy, which includes all structures on the emotional, physical and intellectual planes that are connected to it. This can feel like the 'end of the world' but it is simply the result of the replacement of one dimensional level with another.

"Humanity agreed that this would be their ascension path and it is being accomplished according to the divine plan. The end of the third dimension is the end of fear, the release of the veil that separates humanity from higher planes of being and allows the creation of the spiritual human. This is a time to celebrate, to remember the promise of the ascension path and the release of the limitations that you have accepted as part of life but which are contrary to your truth. Celebrate this as confirmation of your progress and be willing to receive the blessings of the new world paradigm that has been prepared for you and awaits your presence."

Uriel, through Jennifer Hoffman. You can read more of this and other transcripts at Spirit Library.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Some Thoughts on 2010

"Now, what about 2010? We stated earlier that this is a pivotal year, and that is so. There is nothing carved in stone here, but there are some general trends to observe. We state again (we can’t say this too frequently, especially just now) that YOU incarnated in this body at this time in this place for a reason, and that reason has a lot to do with creating and supporting these changes.

"Others are grateful to you. Your entire life isn’t only about serving a higher purpose, of course, but the majority of you reading this incarnated at this time so that you’d be among friends with the same idea. Turn to your right and your left and say hello to your neighbor. The people you pass on the street. The people in line at the cashier at the grocer. The people in the long snaking lines of cars moving slowly across endless highways. These are the people who also chose to be here now. You are effortlessly connected to one another in this way.

Global Changes

"2010 is pivotal because much change will be evident this year. Not the far-reaching long-term things we mentioned earlier, although those will be a part of the overall change, but you can expect the following:

"Lots of people will be losing loved ones this year, people of all ages who are choosing to transition out of life as a way of “opting out” of some of the other changes taking place. Making room for the new. There will be collective grief over this unusual amount of transition, but at the same time there will be joy – the summer bloom turns to dried autumn foliage and then to bare winter earth, returning once again in spring to a new green shoot and a sense of promise. This kind of deep change affects people on so many levels.

"Political instability or a sense of insecurity, and sometimes a seeming lack of direction. This will be evident in many areas including the U.S, Canada, some countries in South America, and Japan, among others. The balance is beginning to discernibly shift away from old powers to other parts of the globe and this will be even more evident this year. Look for increased positive attention on several unexpected political models that show the shape of things to come: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Finland, Guyana, Honduras, Iceland, Laos, Malta, Netherlands, Sri Lanka, and Uruguay.

"A shift by governments that use stealth and covert activity toward more overt blame. Incidents could be strategically created in an effort to maintain a sense of control over what is feared by those governments to be a losing battle in the eventual shift of power mentioned above. This could result this year or soon in a possible military takeover of a major western government. This would not likely be obvious from the outside, even to the inhabitants of that country, and would likely be presented as a need to protect citizens. We could repeat now that this would be, overall, an interim measure and that further change toward a more gentle way of being will be evident sooner than later.

Personal Transformation

"We realize that some of what we see as potential for 2010 on a global level can seem frightening from your present perspective. There is, however, balance in this process of change. Nothing happens without regard to the overall eventual result on a collective basis – not even the most minute, personal event is overlooked. But real and lasting change occurs from deep inside, which does often result in discomfort for a time. On a personal level for most people this year, change is present in profound and uplifting ways:

"By mid-year, a sense of peace and elation settles over the world, affecting a good many people and allowing most of you to fall into the “flow” of your life. This involves really manifesting what it is you are here doing – in other words, a life purpose or life task. By mid-year, then, a good many of you will feel purposeful and peaceful.

"Meditation practices deepen. More people connect with “old-world” ways: herbal lore, shamanism, flower essences, work with gems and minerals, animal wisdom, etc. More people begin feeling tapped into personal intuition or spiritual guides. This is an excellent time to deepen your practice or to begin one, especially by mid-March or so.

Though more people will be without homes, those who don’t choose to exit this year will find the care they need. Perhaps in your back yard, or from your open hand.

"By year-end, then, most of you will be in a vastly different place on a personal level. To support your inner process, which in turn supports your ability to take in what’s going on in the world around you, we can suggest:

"Find something that matters to you. Whether it’s a particular tree on your walk or a special person or a cause, there is something that really matters to you. Figure out what it is this year and give it love.

"Observe the world around you. Whether it’s cars and concrete or it’s blooming cherry trees or tall pines, there is a beautiful world around you. Treat yourself every day with a few minutes simply observing what you see, without judging the merits of the scene. You’ll find yourself, after time, feeling compassion for that world around you.

"Deepen your practice — or begin one — of connecting to your own higher wisdom. There are many avenues for this, including scrying, channeling, or simply listening for that deep inner voice inside you. Find a teacher to assist you if you feel guided to do so.

"The most helpful thing you can do for your planet is to stay — as best you can — connected to yourself and that which surrounds you.

"It’s a wonderful year ahead, wonderful and tragic and beautiful and human. Make it yours, this year. You are here because you chose to be here."

-Polaris, through Karen Murphy. You can read more of this transcript here.